Wednesday 26 December 2012

gloomy December

Dear Journal

I am really sorry by ignoring you for a long time then crawling back to you with somewhat sad story. I am feeling completely miserable right now. Well, I convince you that I am not getting used to tell such a scathing story for I am not a whinny girl and I assure you believe I am not such a person.  However, I just found something have made me, myself, completely miserable. 

Saturday 3 November 2012


Assalamualaikum. menulis lagi, ini akan jadi tulisan pertama di bulan November. November sudah berjalan 4 hari, tapi baru sempat menulis sekarang (Bukan masalah). Oke, seminggu ini, banyak aktivitas yang cukup menguras tenaga. Tapi ada beberapa yang mungkin akan jadi bahasan penting tulisan hari ini yaitu 2 hari kunjungan kita (Putri, Rossy dan Lilis) ke Ibu kota Jakarta.

Monday 29 October 2012


I spent my last weekend watching The Voice season 3 marathon. It was the only interesting program at that time. When it had commercial break, I came across to other channel and found all the movie channel showed horror and thriller movie. Then it hit me, Halloween is coming up, the end of October is approaching. Zombies are waking up. Well, for myself, Halloween has nothing to do with me. I do not celebrate it, not my tradition. So that I am not really excited. October 31st is just plain to me. 

Nick is totally excited about Halloween. He welcomes it , he totally can not wait to celebrate it. For most of adult, who celebrate it, perceive Halloween party is quite a dull. What they feel for is not the essence of Halloween but the party instead. They only want to grab a drink and hang out with friends. They do not care about Halloween yet they do care about the party. 

What do kids always say when the visited-house's door is opened by the host?. They will ask " Trick or treat?" as they (kids) offer candies. Then afterwards, the host will inquire about what they are supposed to be. The kids usually wear a zombie's costume and carry a basket filled by candies. Every home will be adorned by pumpkin called Jack-o-Lantern. Jack o lantern is the symbol of Halloween.

In Indonesia, it was not our tradition. We had not known Halloween, What it was all about-what the purpose was, until the western came up with the idea. Halloween went viral in Indonesia. It is not so bad anyway but it does not mean really something. 

Well, writing about Halloween. I was triggered to find out more about Halloween. I am not writing about zombies though. I do not have courage, do not have a gut to discuss about it (I want to live peacefully). So fellas, just make this one fun. Let us discuss about thrilling or horror movie. it still has anything to do with a Hollow eve, doesn't it?

Last Saturday, I watched the Sixth sense, it is a good film, good story and good plot. Audience will be fooled by the story. The ending was out of my guess, just like The Others. The others and The sixth sense have things in common. However, the sixth sense was packaged by stronger story. These movies are different from other horror movie. They (other movies) just emphasize on how to surprise audience with a creepy sound and shocking movements but they do not care about story.

According to my opinion, Western-made horror movie is the best of the best. The effect, the story and the plot. Whereas Japan-made is the most frightening movie, Thailand-made as well. But the Japan and Thailand movie go very slowly, to much introduction. It turns to lullaby and makes us fall asleep. The worst horror movie ever made is Indonesian horror movie. They are totally and completely mess. Zero point for the story bring, zero point for the plot and another zero point for the effect. It is absolutely not recommended. 

Well, I am not a big fan of horror movie so that I can not tell a lot about this genre. For me, this somewhat the must-avoid movie genre. I do not enjoy watching this, I rather watch movie with full of guns than full of ghosts. It has more adrenalin rush. 

I would like to let you all know guys, when I wrote about the horror movie segment. I directly was remembered to the movie.  It sent chill up my spine. I felt insecure right away. 

Monday 22 October 2012

Cerita senin

Senin. kata orang hari senin itu menyebalkan, mereka benci hari senin. Mereka bilang senin menggangu ketentraman akhir pekan . Senin itu permulaan dari hal-hal yang melelahkan, oh iya?. Padahal, kalau mau dipikir lagi, senin bisa jadi hari yang paling ditunggu-tunggu kan? contohnya seperti kita tunggu tahun baru. Orang-orang kalau menyambut tahun baru, biasanya buat daftar resolusi mereka di tahun baru. Nah, sebenernya bisa tuh di implementasi ke hari senin, kita bisa buat resolusi selama 1 minggu kedepan, kita buat daftar yang sekiranya ga akan mengulang kesalahan minggu yang lalu. Simpel kan? (okee, tulisan diatas cuma sebagai jembatan untuk memulai tulisan selanjutnya).

Invasi dari Beatles

Suatu waktu baca artikel tentang bagaimana Bung Karno menilai anak-anak gaul tahun 60-an. Dulu ceritanya Bung Karno ga suka banget tuh sama anak gaul zaman itu, menurut beliau mereka lebih cenderung kebarat-barat-an, jiwa nasionalisme sama patriotisme nya udah meredup bahkan menghilang. 

Menurut artikel tersebut, Bung Karno benci banget sama Beatles (Apa??!!lumayan tersinggung). Beliau ga segan-segan tuh kasih sanksi ke mereka yang dengan sengaja muter lagunya Paul Mccartney dkk. Gara-gara beatles, anak-anak muda pada masa itu keranjingan sama beatles, dari mulai aliran musik sampai gaya berpakaiannya dan menurut artikel itu juga, pengaruh beatles ga cuma dari 2 sisi itu aja. 

Friday 19 October 2012


Maybe this is too late. I have known about all of this things since I was in senior high school. However I start doing this from now on. That’s a sham.  Now I think about changes. I should begin to make my own life story, written in ink.  Why are those happening to me?